We’re better than just another bail bonding company. We’re an organization that has researched all of the top bonding companies in Rockwall, Texas (and throughout the entire state for that matter) and provide you with the contact information of only the best. The phone numbers that we have listed on our site gets you through, directly to the person who can help you get your friend or loved one out of jail FAST.
After doing our due diligence, we have scored each and every one of the Rockwall County bail bonds companies in order to provide you with the best service possible. You can rest assured knowing that the recommended bondsman on our website for your particular area has the highest score on customer satisfaction, professionalism, co-signer qualifications, and overall bonds written.
How Rockwall County Bail Bonds Work
If you've found yourself in a situation where you need a Rockwall bondsman, than you either have a friend or loved one in jail, or you're looking to turn yourself in to the Sherriff's Department. In either case, our bonding company is here to help. We'll explain generally how bail bonds work in Rockwall County, Texas, but if you want more information on the specifics of our recommended bondsman, then go to txbailbonds.org/rockwall-county/ and read the information we've provided for our potential clients. You'll find that the bonding company we've recommended is the best in the area based on customer satisfaction, ability to qualify, efficiency, and professionalism. If you're just wanting some general information about how the process works, read on.
In general terms, a person has two choices when getting someone out of jail. They can either post bail for the full amount set by the judge or they can hire a bonding company. Some attorneys in Texas are licensed to write bonds, but most people prefer a company that specializes in dealing with this sort of thing.
If the bail isn't set too high and you have the money to pay it, just call the Rockwall County Jail, find out their hours, and go pay the bail. This procedure is also known as a "cash bond." The benefit of going through a professional bondsman though, is that you don't have to pay the whole amount. Any bonding agent in the area will only charge you a percentage of the bail that was set by the judge or magistrate. The amount is typically 10%-20% of the total bail plus any jail fees that Rockwall County tacks on. If you wish to pay the full amount to the jail though, the information is listed on the sidebar of this page. If you don't prefer to search for it though, here is the official website and details.
If you prefer to pay just a percentage, you must "vouch" for a person that they'll be in court. If they miss their court date, then you will be financially liable for the full amount of the bail that was initially set by the judge.
The information presented above applies if you are turning yourself in as well. However, there are a few things to consider before giving yourself up to the Sherriff's Department. One is that of a verifiable cosigner for the bond and the other is the matter of funds to pay it.
Turning Yourself in to Rockwall County Jail
In Rockwall County, Texas, the county jail is operated by the Sherriff’s Department. A quick phone call to the Sherriff’s office will help ease your mind about what to do next. The absolute worst days to turn yourself in are Mondays and Fridays. You’re going to want to see the judge as soon as possible, and turning yourself in on these days makes it quite difficult. If you turn yourself in on a Friday, it won’t be until a working business day that you get to see the judge. If you turn yourself in on a Monday, there are all the arrests that took place over the weekend that take precedence over you. They were there first, in other words. The earlier in the day you can turn yourself in, the better. Find out what time the Rockwall County jail opens and plan to go there right when they open.
If you plan on paying the full amount yourself, be sure to take that much money with you, or give it to someone you trust so that they can come pay for the cash bond for you. Just ask the Sherriff's Department, when you call them, to see if you are able to pay cash yourself after you are officially booked into the detention center.
Getting Rockwall Bail Bonds When Turning Yourself In
If you don't want to pay the full amount yourself, you're going to want to hire a Rockwall County bonding company, like the one listed on our website (linked above). Generally speaking, you would come into our office beforehand, preferably with a co-signer (someone who can sign the bond for you), and fill out all of the required paperwork before you turn yourself in to the Rockwall County legal system. This way, as soon as bail is set, we can write the bond, go to the jail, and get you out very quickly.Looking for information on other counties? Please either visit our website or for more information on Denton County bail bonds, visit this Denton County Texas bail bonds site and see the info that we've presented for our prospective clients specific to that County in Texas.
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